How effective is lansoprazole for treating acid reflux?

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Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), like lansoprazole and omeprazole, are the go-to medications for acid reflux. Long-term maintenance therapy with PPIs provides symptomatic relief and reduces the risk of relapse. But is lansoprazole effective for treating acid reflux?

What is lansoprazole?

Lansoprazole is an acid reflux medication under the PPI group. This drug reduces stomach acid by blocking the proton pump in the stomach's cells. Most doctors recommend lansoprazole 20 mg to treat indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD). But it is also prescribed to patients with stomach ulcers or Zollinger-Ellison syndrome caused by a tumour in the pancreas or gut.

Lansoprazole capsules and tablets are sold in UK pharmacies. Search for lansoprazole and order it online from a registered pharmacy. Most lansoprazole tablets require a prescription from a doctor. However, some versions of lansoprazole capsules are sold over the counter. You can buy lansoprazole 20 mg from a pharmacy. This dosage can prevent or treat acid reflux, stomach ulcers, erosive oesophagitis, and hypersecretory conditions.

Is lansoprazole effective for treating acid reflux?

Lansoprazole is approved by medical agencies for treating acid reflux. Studies support its safety and clinical efficacy for long-term maintenance therapy to prevent reflux symptoms and erosive oesophagitis. In a phase III study, lansoprazole reduced night heartburn for 94%–95% of participants with acid reflux. The medication maintained erosive esophagitis remission in 75% of the patients receiving the treatment. Heartburn is the most common acid reflux symptom. Another study found that lansoprazole reduced heartburn for 75.7 % of patients after 4 weeks of treatment. And 68.7 % of the patients reported improved dyspepsia symptoms.

The therapeutic effect and efficacy of lansoprazole varies depending on the dosage. Each lansoprazole capsule or tablet has 15 to 30 mg of active drug ingredients. Doctors prescribe 15-30 mg of lansoprazole daily to treat acid reflux, indigestion, and stomach ulcers. People with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome take 60 mg of lansoprazole daily. Doctors can increase the dosage to 120 mg if 60 mg doesn’t deliver the desired results. But most patients only need lansoprazole 20 mg capsules to treat or prevent heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and other acid reflux symptoms. You can buy lansoprazole in the UK from registered online pharmacies.

How do you take lansoprazole for acid reflux?

Lansoprazole is available as a delayed-release oral capsule and an orally disintegrating tablet. Both don’t release the medication until they pass through the stomach. So, you swallow one lansoprazole 20 mg capsule whole once daily to treat acid reflux symptoms. Food can reduce the amount of lansoprazole getting into your system. Take lansoprazole in the morning or at least 30 minutes before a meal or snack to maximize its therapeutic effect. Your doctor can prescribe lansoprazole capsules with other drugs as part of combination therapy.

Most adults and children can take lansoprazole capsules. But it isn’t suitable for everyone. Lansoprazole isn’t prescribed to people with liver problems or about to have an endoscopy. Doctors prescribe lower doses for children, older people, and patients with liver conditions. Inform your healthcare provider if you've had an allergic reaction to lansoprazole or other medicines. Your doctor can recommend lansoprazole alternatives, like omeprazole, if you’re pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or breastfeeding. Omeprazole is safe for pregnant women.

What are the side effects of lansoprazole?

Most people don’t experience complications after taking lansoprazole. But it can cause mild side effects. Some people experience headaches, diarrhoea, vomiting, stomach pain, itchy skin rashes, constipation, dry mouth or throat, dizziness, and tiredness. These side effects disappear when you stop taking the drug or after your body adapts to the medication. Don’t take other medicines to treat headaches, diarrhoea, or vomiting without speaking to your doctor. You can adopt tried-and-tested strategies to cope with the side effects of PPIs. For example, drinking fluids and resting can help reduce headaches, diarrhoea, and vomiting. Ask your doctor to recommend a painkiller if the side effects last longer than a week or worsen.

Less than 1 in 1,000 people experience serious complications, including joint pain with red skin rashes and severe stomach pain or diarrhoea. Call your doctor if you have these side effects because they may indicate an underlying medical issue, such as an inflamed liver, pancreas, or bowel. Overall, the benefits of taking lansoprazole for acid reflux outweigh the risks. Ensure you buy lansoprazole 20 mg from a registered pharmacy and follow your doctor's dosage and usage instructions.

Frequently asked questions about lansoprazole for acid reflux:

Which works better omeprazole or lansoprazole?

Omeprazole is the best alternative to lansoprazole. Omeprazole and lansoprazole are PPIs prescribed by doctors to treat acid reflux. Both inhibit the proton pump to reduce gastric acid production in the stomach. But they come in different dosage strengths. Omeprazole is sold in the UK as Losec MUPS with 10 mg, 20 mg, and 40 mg tablets. You can take omeprazole or lansoprazole 20 mg capsules to treat acid reflux symptoms. Lansoprazole is faster-acting and more potent than omeprazole. But omeprazole is the go-to alternative for reducing gastric acidity. Both are low-risk medications. So, you don’t have to worry about severe side effects.

Does lansoprazole get rid of acid reflux?

Doctors prescribe lansoprazole 20 mg to treat acid reflux symptoms. This drug works on the stomach's lining to help reduce gastric acid production. So, you can take lansoprazole capsules to relieve acid reflux. Lansoprazole also prevents and treats indigestion, stomach ulcers, and GORD.

What foods should you avoid while taking lansoprazole?

The effectiveness of lansoprazole for treating acid reflux is undeniable. But some foods can trigger or worsen your symptoms. So, they can reduce lansoprazole’s effectiveness. Avoid peppermint, tomatoes, spicy foods, chocolate, hot drinks, coffee, and alcoholic drinks. Talk to your doctor to determine the best diet to combat acid reflux and hasten your recovery.

Bottom Line

Lansoprazole is one of the best and safest medications for acid reflux. It is a relatively low-risk drug with a few mild side effects. You can buy lansoprazole online in the UK. Search for lansoprazole in the UK and order your acid reflux medication from an online doctor. Ensure you get your lansoprazole capsules from a trusted and registered pharmacy like Ashcroft