
Skin Conditions

Your skin serves as a protective barrier against thermal and physical injuries. Skin conditions are common in children and adults, and early treatment protects the patient from experiencing severe skin condition symptoms. Ascroft Pharmacy offers a selection of skin condition treatments available through our online pharmacy.


Key facts about skin conditions

  • ✅ Different skin conditions are the result of various causes. Examples of skin condition causes include microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi, genetics, sun exposure, etc.
  • ✅ Different skin conditions appear in the skin of different tones.
  • ✅ Skin conditions can be grouped into three categories: lasting conditions, temporary conditions, internal conditions, and age-related conditions.

About Skin conditions

Skin conditions are also known as cutaneous disorders or dermatologic disorders. Skin conditions are diseases that affect your skin. Your skin is the largest part of your body, covering all your internal organs. Therefore, it plays a big role in your body.

How does your skin work?

The skin is a complex and multifunctional organ that serves several vital roles in maintaining the overall health and functionality of the body. Here are some key functions of the skin:

  • Controls your body temperature
  • Protects your skin from infections by preventing harmful germs from getting into your internal organs.
  • Protects you from getting dehydrated by holding body fluids
  • Protects your body from heat and light
  • Synthesize vitamin D when exposed to the sun
  • Give you the feeling of sensation: When it's sunny, your body reacts to heat, and when it's pricked, your body reacts to pain
Various types of skin problems:

Here are some common types of skin problems:

Most common Skin infections:

❄️ Impetigo (im-puh-TIE-go): Impetigo (im-puh-TIE-go): Also known as pyoderma, and other names like School sores or impetigo contagiosa.

It's a highly contagious bacterial skin infection caused by two bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus. It typically appears as red, itchy sores or blisters that can break open, developing honey-colored scabs.

It's not usually serious and often gets better within a week with treatment or a few weeks without any medicine in some cases.

Impetigo is the most common skin infection in young children in the UK, but it can happen to people of all ages.  Staying clean can help prevent it.

❄️ Scabies: Scabies is a parasitic skin infestation that typically occurs when tiny bugs (called Sarcoptes scabiei) burrow into your skin, making it super itchy.

It can affect anyone, and it spreads easily, with the itch intensifying at night. While not dangerous, it is bothersome. Most common treatment options include some prescription-only medication like Permethrin (Lyclear) 5% Cream or Derbac M liquid (malathion).

❄️ Eczema (Dermatitis): It's a disease that weakens your skin's functionality, making it dry, itchy, and bumpy.

❄️ Psoriasis: It's an autoimmune skin condition that causes inflammation in your skin. Your immune system overreacts, causing the quick multiplication of your skin cells.

❄️ Dermatitis (Contact and Atopic):: It's a skin disease that causes irritation and inflammation of the skin.

❄️ Burns: It's an injury to the skin caused by heat, electricity, radioactivity, or contact with explosive chemicals. Burns are classified by degrees.

The first degree only affects the epidermis; the second degree affects the epidermis and the dermis; and the third degree destroys the epidermis and dermis. The third degree also damages the underlying muscles and bones.

❄️ Dry Skin (Xerosis): Dry skin is characterized by flakiness, itchiness, and a lack of moisture. It can be caused by environmental factors, such as cold weather, or underlying skin conditions.

❄️ Acne vulgaris: A very common skin problem, that often appears on the face, neck, shoulders, chest, and upper back when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells.

This leads to various types of skin lesions, including pimples, blackheads, and in some cases, deep, painful cysts and nodules. Acne can affect both teenagers and adults.

The most common treatment options for Acne include: Differin Cream, Epiduo Gel, Lymecycline 408mg Capsules, Oxytetracycline 250mg Tablet.

❄️ Wrinkles:

Wrinkles are lines and folds that appear on the skin as we age. They are a natural part of getting older and are influenced by factors like sun exposure and genetics. While wrinkles are normal, staying hydrated, protecting your skin from the sun, and using moisturizers may help reduce their appearance.

Wrinkles can affect individuals in their 30s and beyond, influenced by genetics, sun exposure, and lifestyle. Treatment options include:

  • Topical retinoids like Tretinoin, botulinum toxin injections (Botox)
  • Dermal fillers such as Juvederm, chemical peels like glycolic acid, laser therapy, and microdermabrasion
  • Consulting with a dermatologist helps determine the most effective treatment based on individual needs.

❄️ Rosacea: Rosacea is a long-term inflammatory skin condition that usually affects the nose and cheeks. It may cause redness of skin, visible blood vessels, and sometimes small, red bumps resembling acne. It may also lead to eye irritation in some cases. It usually starts after middle age, between 30 and 60 years old.

❄️ Hives: also called Urticaria (ur-tih-KAR-e-uh), are red, itchy welts on the skin. They can pop up and disappear quickly. Things like allergies, medications, or stress can make them appear.

❄️ Skin cancer: It's the abnormal growth of skin cells due to certain substances, such as prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light. The most common types are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.

Dry Skin (Xerosis): Dry skin is characterized by flakiness, itchiness, and a lack of moisture. It can be caused by environmental factors, such as cold weather, or underlying skin conditions.

❄️ Fungal Infections: Fungal infections, like ringworm or athlete's foot, commonly affect pubertal and adult males. They develop on the feet and the skin between the toes, caused by fungi that make your skin red, itchy, and sometimes blister.

They can also attack your nails and hands. These infections are common, and anyone can get them, but they often affect people who share close spaces like locker rooms or wear tight shoes.

The most common treatment option is using antifungal creams or medications. Keeping clean, especially drying well between your toes, can help prevent them. Wearing flip-flops in shared spaces also reduces the risk.

You can use special creams or powders that fight the fungi to treat athlete's foot. These are available over-the-counter, such as terbinafine (Lamisil), or with some prescription medications (POM) like clotrimazole, econazole (Ecoza), or ciclopirox (Loprox).

❄️ warts and verrucas

Warts are small, rough bumps or clusters on the skin caused by viruses called human papillomavirus (HPV). Verrucas are a type of wart.

They can appear on various body parts like hands, feet, face, knees, and even genital areas. They are very common and can affect people of all ages.

While most warts are harmless and may disappear on their own in some cases some strains require medical attention.

However, they can be highly contagious through close skin contact. Various treatments are available, including topical creams, over-the-counter solutions such as 17 percent salicylic acid solution, and medical procedures like > cryotherapy to remove them.

  •  Here are types of warts include:

❄️ Common warts: These are the most typical type of wart, and they often appear on the hands, fingers, and knees. They're usually round or oval-shaped with a rough, grainy surface.

❄️ Plantar warts (Verruca Plantaris): These warts grow on the soles of the feet and can be quite painful, especially when standing or walking. They often have a flat appearance due to the pressure applied to them.

❄️ Filiform warts: These thin, thread-like warts typically grow on the face, neck, or eyelids. They're usually flesh-colored or slightly pink.

❄️ Flat warts: These smooth, flat warts typically appear on the face, hands, or wrists. They're often flesh-colored or slightly yellow.

❄️ Genital warts: These warts grow in the genital area and can be very contagious. They can appear as small, cauliflower-like bumps.

❄️ Skin cancer: Skin cancer. It's the abnormal growth of skin cells due to certain substances, such as prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light. The most common types are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.

How can you keep your skin healthy?

You can adopt new lifestyles to keep your skin healthy. Below are some of the lifestyles that can help you achieve healthy skin:

Protect your skin from the sun: Avoid direct exposure to sunlight between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Seek shade to prevent skin conditions such as skin cancer.

The ultraviolet light breaks down elastin in the skin, causing your skin to stretch, sag, and develop wrinkles. Your skin develops later into skin cancer and precancerous growths.

While shaving: Lubricate and protect your skin by applying a shaving cream or gel. Also, shave the direction your hair grows to avoid having lumps on your skin or hurting your skin.

✅ Avoid hot-water baths and strong soaps. Hot water baths and strong soaps can strip oils from your skin. Instead, use warm water and mild cleansers for bathing.

✅ Maintain a healthy diet: Add plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to keep your skin looking young.
Avoid excessive use of alcohol and smoking.

More tips to keep your skin healthy:

  • ✅ Wash your hands regularly with water and soap.
  • ✅ Disinfect public equipment before use, e.g., gym equipment and office gadgets.
  • ✅ Get the right moisturizer that matches your skin type if you have dry skin.
  • ✅ Drink enough water to keep your skin hydrated.
  • ✅ Get enough sleep: Avoid uncontrolled stress and get enough sleep. Uncontrolled stress triggers acne and skin problems. Learn how to manage stress by planning your daily schedule and focusing on things that make you happy.
⚠️ When to see a dermatologist?

It's important to see a skin care specialist or a dermatologist once you notice an unexpected changes or something in your skin. The health provider will diagnose your skin and recommend the best treatments at an early stage.

And also, regular skin check-ups can contribute to maintaining skin health and addressing any concerns promptly.



What are the common causes of skin diseases?

⚠️ Your lifestyle, family history, and bacterial skin problems can influence the development of skin diseases. Some of the common causes of skin diseases include:

  • Immune system weekness: This may include conditions that affect your kidneys or thyroids.
  • Contact with another person's skin who could be infected.
  • Irritants: This may include environmental triggers, such as allergens.
  • Germs: including bacteria trapped by your hair follicles, viruses, parasites, or fungi living in your skin
  • Genetics: As an example, you may develop skin conditions when exposed to the sun, especially when your genes are not compatible with the sun. Family history of skin conditions can also cause skin conditions in the rest of the generations.


Which are the best pharmacy skin condition treatments?

UK-registered Ashcroft Pharmacy offers the best skin condition treatments at an affordable price. You get your treatment within 24 hours after filling out the consultation form and making your payment.

Ashcroft Online Pharmacy has qualified prescribers who study your symptoms and prescribe the best medications for skin conditions. Below are some of the skin condition treatments available at Ashcroft Pharmacy:

Diagnosis and tests and treatment options for skin conditions:

  1. A healthcare provider can diagnose your skin condition in two major ways: A visual examination and tests.
  2. A visual examination is the first diagnosis that a healthcare provider makes, but if your skin condition is severe, he or she may choose to use tests.

Examples of skin condition diagnosis tests

Dermoscopy: The healthcare provider uses a dermatoscope to examine skin lesions. A dermatoscopy magnifies and illuminates your skin, allowing the healthcare provider to see structures of your skin that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Biopsy: The healthcare provider removes a small piece of your skin and examines it using a microscope.

Diascopy: The healthcare provider examines a piece of your skin against a microscope to check whether it changes color.

Culture: A sample of your skin is taken to test for fungi, bacteria, or viruses.

Skin patch test: The healthcare provider applies small amounts of allergens to your skin to test for allergic reactions.

Tzanck test: The healthcare provider examines the fluid from your blister to diagnose herpes.

Woodlight test: Ultraviolet light is used to view your skin pigment.



Symptoms vary depending on the type of skin disease you are suffering from. Below are some of the symptoms of common skin conditions.

Acne vulgaris symptom:

Acne is an inflammatory disorder of the skin. Its symptoms include:

  • Pustles: They are red sores with yellow or white pus on the skin surface.
  • Blackheads: They are small, dark bumps formed on your skin.
  • Whiteheads: They are small bumps on the surface of your skin with a white or yellow appearance.
  • Papules: They are small, inflamed bumps filled with pus.

Eczema symptoms:

There are various types of eczema: atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis. The most common symptoms of the two types of eczema include:

  • Skin redness: abnormal redness on the skin surface
  • Hyperpigmentation: These are dark patches that appear on your skin due to excessive production of the brown melanin pigment.
  • Dry skin: This occurs when less oil is produced, making your skin appear cracky.
  • Itchy skin: an irritating sensation that makes you scratch your skin for relief.

Skin infections:

Skin infections are caused by bacteria, fungi, parasites, or viruses. The most common type of skin infection is cellulitis. Symptoms of cellulitis skin infection include redness, swelling, and severe pain in the infected skin area.

Skin cancer:

  • Clusty soars with a depression in the middle.
  • Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of your skin tissues. Some of the symptoms of skin cancer include:
  • Development of a new mole that changes in color, and shape, and sometimes bleeds.
  • Itchy and painful spot.


  • Which is the best cream to treat skin infections?

    Fucidin Cream is a topical antibiotic cream that clears up skin infections by preventing bacteria from growing and multiplying.

  • How do you get rid of skin problems naturally?

    You can use rose water to wash your skin. Rose water removes skin clogs, giving you clear, smooth skin.

  • Which skin conditions are common in older adults?

    ⚠️ Age spots: Age spots are a result of sun exposure. Brown patches appear on sun-exposed skin parts such as the face, arms, and legs.

    ⚠️ Bed sores: The elderly may experience difficulties when moving around; most likely, they spend their time sitting or lying in bed. Spending too much time sitting or lying in bed causes bed sores or skin ulcers due to pressure. The elderly are advised to take frequent repositioning to prevent bed sores.

    ⚠️ Dry and itchy skin:

    • The elderly experience loss of oil glands responsible for soft skin.

    ⚠️ Skin cancer:

    • According to statistics, most people develop a form of skin cancer by the age of 65.

  • Which is the most serious skin condition?

    ⚠️ Skin cancer:

    • Skin cancer develops gradually; the sooner the treatment, the better the prognosis. It is important to have regular skin examinations to plan an effective treatment.

    ⚠️ Chronic skin conditions flare-up.

    • Skin condition flare-ups are experienced when the symptoms of a chronic disease persist mostly as a result of stress, making it hard for you to run your daily life.
    • Eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis are examples of skin conditions that require immediate treatment during an uncontrolled flare-up.

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Rozex 0.75% Cream & Gel

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