
Buy Marvelon Contraceptive Pill Online - Ashcroft Pharmacy UK
  • Buy Marvelon Contraceptive Pill Online - Ashcroft Pharmacy UK
  • Buy Marvelon Contraceptive Pill Online UK - Ashcroft Pharmacy UK
  • Order Marvelon Contraceptive Pill Online - Ashcroft Pharmacy UK
  • Buy Marvelon Contraceptive Pill Online UK - Ashcroft Pharmacy UK

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Fastest delivery:
Monday, 29 Jul 2024
  • Medication features

    Birth Control

    Marvelon is a low-dose combined oral contraceptive pill that is highly effective for birth control. Similar to Mercilon. Marvelon is considered to be a highly effective form of contraception when used correctly.

    • More than 99% effective
    • Oral hormonal contraceptive
    • Taken Daily
    • 21-day active pill cycle
    • Followed by a 7-day pill-free interval
    • Various alternatives available
    • Contains estrogen (ethinylestradiol) and progestogen (desogestrel)
    • Price Much Guarantee
    • Next Day Delivery Available

    Registered UK Pharmacy Number 1039428

Order Monday to Friday before 14:00pm to guarantee next day delivery

Fastest delivery: Monday, 29 Jul 2024


NOTE: After selecting this product, you will need to complete a short assessment, so we can make sure this medication is suitable for you.

Where to Buy Marvelon Online in the UK?

You can purchase Marvelon pills online from the UK-licensed Ashcroft Pharmacy. Simply complete a brief online medical questionnaire. Our pharmacist will review your order, and if Marvelon suitable for you, your medication can be delivered as soon as the next working day (if selected).

Ashcroft Pharmacy offers all brands of contraceptive pills, including combined pills (containing both oestrogen and progestogen) and mini pills (containing only progestogen).

Please note: Ashcroft Pharmacy can only supply the contraceptive pill you are currently using. To switch to a different type, you must consult a doctor in person.

How to take Marvelon

The 21-day pack contains 21 pills that should be taken daily. The pills should be taken approximately at the same time every day.

The drug strips contain arrows showing the direction of the correct day of the week. Follow the directions of the arrows until you have finished all 21 pills.

After the 21 days you should have a 7-day pills break where you do not take any pills. So, if you take the last pill of one pack on a Friday, you will take the pill on  Saturday the following week. 

Within a few days of taking the last pill from the strip, you should have withdrawal bleeding like a period that may not have finished when it is time to start your next strip of pills. 

During these seven days, you are protected from pregnancy and you don’t need to use extra contraceptives like condoms.

How does Marvelon work?

Marvelon is a combined oral contraceptive pill (COC) used to prevent pregnancy. It contains two synthetic hormones: desogestrel (a progestogen) and ethinylestradiol (an estrogen). Here's how Marvelon works:

  • Inhibiting Ovulation: Prevents the ovary from releasing an egg.
  • Thickening Cervical Mucus: Makes it harder for sperm to travel through the cervix.
  • Altering the Uterine Lining: Makes the lining of the uterus less receptive to a fertilized egg.
About Ovulation 

Ovulation is a natural process in a woman's menstrual cycle where a mature egg is released from the ovary, ready for fertilization.

This usually occurs around the middle of the menstrual cycle, approximately 14 days before the start of the next period, (around day 14 in a 28-day cycle.)

Ovulation is triggered by hormonal changes, particularly a surge in luteinizing hormone (LH), which causes the egg to be released from the follicle on the ovary's surface. If sperm fertilizes the egg during this time, conception and pregnancy can occur. 

How effective is Marvelon?

The pills are 99% effective if taken in the right way like when the pill is taken by women under close observation in clinical trials. But in real life, the pill is 92% effective. The reason for these results is different factors which include:

  • Missing of daily pills
  • Taking the pills with medicine that interferes with their effectiveness
  • Low absorption due to vomiting or diarrhea

Remember, if you are experiencing vomiting or severe diarrhea, your birth control pill may not be effective in preventing pregnancy. Continue taking the pill as normal, but use a condom while you're ill. If your illness lasts longer than 24 hours, treat it as you would a missed pill.

Please note, confirm that you are not pregnant before starting Marvelon.

If You Forget to Take Marvelon Pill

(see also the diagram):

Image of a Diagram for what If you forget to take combined pills dosage

If you forget to take Marvelon, the pill remains reliable when taken within 12 hours. Take the tablet as soon as you recall and continue taking it at regular intervals.

If you are more than 12 hours late in taking the tablet, the effectiveness of the Marvelon contraceptive is reduced. Missing multiple consecutive doses increases the risk of diminished contraceptive efficacy.

There is a particularly high risk of becoming pregnant if you miss tablets at the beginning of the pack or in the third week.

If you have missed 1 tablet in week 1, take the tablet as soon as you remember even if this means taking two tablets at the same time and taking the next tablet at the usual time.

If you have missed 1 tablet in week 2, take the tablet as soon as soon as you remember even if this means taking two tablets at the same time and taking the next tablet at the usual time

If you have missed 1 tablet in week 3, take the tablet as soon as you remember even if this means taking two tablets at the same time and taking the next tablet at the usual time or starting the next pack as soon as the tablets in the current pack are finished.

Alternative Treatments

We offer a variety of contraceptives, including: Low-dose pills, combined pills, and mini pills. View all our contraception options.

Condoms are effective for contraception and protect against STIs.

Additionally, long-acting contraceptives are available through your GP or family planning clinic, such as implants, the coil, and injectable contraception.

Can I buy Marvelon contraceptives online?

Yes, you can buy Marvelon contraceptives online. All contraceptive pills, including Marvelon, require a prescription. You can obtain a prescription and purchase Marvelon online through Ashcroft Pharmacy by filling out a quick questionnaire. If suitable, one of our practitioners will approve it for you.

For the safe prescription of any combination contraceptive pill, we will need your height, weight, and blood pressure.


Marvelon Patient Laeflet

NameMr Suhail Jamil
RoleSuperintendent Pharmacist
GPhc Number2069518


Before Using Marvelon Birth Control Pill

Before using Marvelon you should consult with a doctor, or a family planning nurse to understand if Marvelon is your best contraceptive pill.

❌ Do not take marvel if you experience the following conditions:

☝️ If you are allergic to any of the ingredients found in the Marvelon pill.
☝️ If you have or had a disorder affecting the blood circulation especially the conditions affecting thrombosis in the blood vessels of the leg, the lungs, the heart, or other parts of the body.
☝️ If you have or had a history of migraine accompanied by visual symptoms, speech disability, weakness, or numbness in any part of your body.
☝️ If you have or had experienced a stroke caused by a blood clot, or a rupture of blood vessels in the brain.
☝️ If you have or had experienced diabetes mellitus with blood vessel damage.
☝️ If you have or have experienced cancer that may grow under the influence of sex hormones like the breast or the genital organs.
☝️ If you have or have experienced cancer that may grow under the influence of sex hormones like the breast or the genital organs.

☝️ If you have or had an inflammation of the pancreas associated with high levels of fatty substances in your blood.
☝️ If you have or had the yellowing of the skin, severe liver disease, or if your liver is not working normally.
☝️ If you have or had a major surgery and your ability to move around is limited for a long period.

☝️ If you have or had a condition that may be a first sign of heart attack such as angina pectoris or chest pain or stroke such as transient ischaemic attack or small reversible stroke.

 What else you should know?

Marvelon works with your body’s hormonal system to prevent pregnancy but does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). To prevent STIs, consider using barrier contraception like condoms.

Additionally, ensure you have regular STI screenings.










There are 5 types of oral contraception:

  1. Monophasic 21-day contraceptive pills - They contain oestrogen and progesterone. They are taken for 21 days followed by a 7 day break, then the cycle starts again.

  2. Monophasic 28-day preparations - They contain oestrogen and progesterone. They are taken continuously. The first 21 days will be an ‘active’ pill, and the last 7 days are ‘inactive’ pills. You will take tablets for 28 days, then you should start a new pack for another 28 days.

  3. Phasic 21 day preparations - They contain oestrogen and progesterone. They are taken for 21 days followed by a 7 day break, then the cycle starts again. These contain different levels of each hormone depending on which day's pill you are taking.

  4. Phasic 28-day preparations - They contain oestrogen and progesterone. They are taken continuously. The first 21 days will be an ‘active’ pill, and the last 7 days are ‘inactive’ pills. You will take tablets for 28 days, then you should start a new pack for another 28 days.These contain different levels of each hormone depending on which day's pill you are taking.

  5. Progesterone-only pill - They contain progesterone only. These pills must be taken continuously everyday at the same time within a 3 hour window each day. Each pack contains 28 tablets, and each new pack should be taken back to back.


  • How effective is the pill?

    The combined pill (contains oestrogen and progesterone) is 99.9% effective when taken correctly. The progesterone only pill is 95% effective when taken correctly.

  • What are the benefits of oral contraception?

    Benefits include:

    • Easy and convenient contraceptive method.
    • Highly effective in preventing pregnancy.
    • Lighter periods and also less cramping, bloating, and irritability that are often associated with normal menstruation.
    • Does not interfere with sexual intercourse.
    • May provide some protection from pelvic inflammatory disease which, if left untreated, can lead to infertility.
    • Clear up hormonal acne.
  • What other contraceptive choices are there?

    There are many different types of contraception available other than the contraceptive pill. These include:

    • The implant
    • A progesterone only injection
    • Contraceptive patches
    • Inter-uterine Devices (IUD)
    • Vaginal rings
    • Condoms
    • Dams
    • Caps
  • If I am on the pill, does my partner need to use a condom?

    In terms of preventing pregnancy, a condom would not be required. However, condoms should be worn during sexual intercourse to protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms are the only way to prevent transmission of STDs.

  • Who should not use the contraceptive pill?

    You should not take the contraceptive pill if:

    • You have a history of blood clots
    • You have ever had breast cancer
    • You are pregnant
    • You have a history of heart problems
    • You may also potentially have to avoid oral contraception if you smoke, due to the risk of developing a blood clot.
  • Does the pill prevent STDs?

    No. Only condoms prevent STDs. You are still susceptible to STDs if you are having sex without a condom whilst taking the pill.

  • Do I need to take emergency contraception if I have sex when I have forgotten to take my pill?

    This will depend on:

    • the type of contraceptive pill you are taking
    • how many pills you have missed
    • what stage of your cycle you are currently in

    Emergency contraception may not always be necessary in this case.

  • Do I need to take the pill at the same time every day?

    For combined contraceptive pills it does not matter at what time you take the pill, although you should aim to do this at a regular time every day, and missing one pill will not necessarily mean you are not covered.

    For progesterone only (mini pills), they need to be taken at the same time each day or within 3 hours of that time (12 hours for Cerazette). Missing a tablet or not taking it at the right time may lead to bleeding or lack of contraceptive cover.

  • Is it safe to stay on the pill for long periods of time?

    Yes, for certain people. Medical evidence suggests that in women who don’t smoke, do not have high blood pressure and are not overweight, it is perfectly safe to continue taking the contraceptive pill up until they are 45.

  • How do I switch to the Marvelon pill from a different pill?

    If you would like to switch your contraceptive pill, contact us via your Patient record or get an appointment with your GP to discuss the change. If you are changing to a new pill you would be advised to have no break between the packs and you may have to use other contraceptive methods during the changeover.

  • Is the Marvelon pill safe to use while breastfeeding?

    Marvelon pill is a combined contraceptive and most combined contraceptives are advisable to use after six weeks after birth.

  • Can Marvelon stop periods?

    Marvelon contraceptive pills can influence your menstrual cycle. While they are primarily used to prevent pregnancy, they can also affect the frequency and nature of your periods.

    Some women may experience lighter periods or even miss periods while taking Marvelon. In some cases, Marvelon can be used to skip periods altogether if taken continuously without the usual break (Taking two packs of Marvelon back-to-back)

    However, it's important to follow your doctor's advice regarding how to use Marvelon for period management.

  • Can Marvelon affect my weight?

    There is no evidence that taking the combined contraceptive pill, like Marvelon, will affect your weight. Any weight changes you experience are likely due to fluid retention or other factors unrelated to the pill.

Side Effects

What are the side effects of Marvelon?

Side effects can often occur with oral contraception, but most of the time these effects are mild and go away with continued use of the pill. Common side effects include:

  • Headaches
  • Feeling sick
  • Mood swings
  • Nausea (feeling an urge to vomit)
  • Weight gain
  • Sore, swollen breasts
  • Spotting between periods
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness

Uncommon side effects include:

  • Depression
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Increased blood pressure
  •  Breast lumps
  • Migraines
  • Changes in the uterine bleeding patterns during or between menstrual periods

With more severe side effects, you should stop taking the pill and consult your doctor. These include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Severe headaches
  • Blurry vision
  • Swelling or aching in the legs


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Order by the 2:00 PM weekday cut-off time for guaranteed delivery by 1:00 PM the next business day.

Orders placed after the cut-off on Friday will be delivered on Tuesday.


Marvelon is an oral contraceptive pill taken daily for 21 days, followed by a 7-day break. It contains synthetic estrogen and progestogen, preventing ovulation and thickening cervical mucus to prevent pregnancy.

Stick to the prescribed schedule is crucial for its effectiveness. Marvelon is highly effective when used correctly, and any concerns should be discussed with a healthcare professional.

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