Asthma checklist, tips & treatments

How to effectively manage winter asthma. Best advice

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Cold air is a common asthma trigger that makes your airways inflame and become narrow. This blog will focus on the causes of cold-induced asthma and winter asthma management strategies to get asthma relief.

What is asthma?

Asthma is a chronic lung disease also known as bronchial asthma. Asthma blocks your airways with excess mucus, making them narrow and thin causing difficulty in breathing.

Asthma affects people of all ages that is children and adults. Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease that can't be cured but its symptoms can be effectively managed.

Asthma symptoms.

Asthma symptoms appear in both children and adults. To some children, asthma appears at their teenage age while to some, symptoms may appear in adulthood.

Childhood asthma symptoms.

Asthma symptoms in children can proceed to adulthood if not well managed. Below are examples of asthma symptoms in children 

  • Shortness of breath 
  • Child produce a wheezing sound while breathing 
  • Chest tightness
  • Coughing 
  • Adult asthma symptoms.

Common asthma symptoms in adults include:

  • A drop in peak flow meter 
  • Pain in the chest 
  • Coughing 
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing 
  • Sleepless nights

The connection between cold weather and asthma.

According to a Chinese 2014 study, most people were admitted to hospitals for asthma symptoms during winter. In Northern Finland, 82% of people with asthma who exercised during cold weather experienced shortness of breath.

Cold weather causes the airways of people with asthma to swell and become narrow. When the airways are narrow it becomes difficult to breathe in rough air, that's why people with asthma experience difficulty in breathing.

Exercising in cold air accelerates asthma symptoms. While working out your body demands more oxygen, which forces you to breathe in using your mouth. Naturally, your nose is responsible for taking warm air into the lungs since it has blood vessels that warm and keep the air you breathe in moist. The air that you breathe in with you is cold and dry. When it gets into your lungs it accelerates the asthma symptoms.

Cold air is dry. Once you breathe in dry air the fluid aligned on the airways evaporates quickly. Dry air irritates your airways and makes them swell causing asthma symptoms.

During an allergy attack, the airways produce histamine, a substance that causes wheezing and other asthma symptoms. Cold air is one of the allergies to people with asthma.

Cold air can also expose you to indoor asthma allergens. Examples of indoor asthma triggers include Dust, mold, pet dander smoke, and mites.

During winter seasons you are more likely to suffer from cold and flu viruses. This virus causes viral-induced asthma due to respiratory infections.

Ways to manage cold weather asthma

There are different ways you can adopt to manage asthma during winter. They include

Adjust your exercise activities.

People with asthma are at a risk of getting exercise-induced asthma. It is important to reduce the number of physical activities during cold seasons. If you must exercise outdoors during the cold season, here are a few tips you can apply to prevent asthma attacks.

To trap in warm air when you breathe, always wear a mask or a scarf over your face 
Accompany yourself with an inhaler in case of asthma attacks 
Always warm up for 10 minutes before your physical activity 
Your airways need to be open to breathe easily. Ensure to use your inhaler 15 minutes before beginning your exercise
Use a humidifier.

First, ensure that you clean your humidifier regularly to avoid mold. Mold is one of the asthma triggers. Before you sleep use a humidifier to moisten the winter dry air.

Limit exposure to triggers

Limit your outdoor exposure to cold weather during to winter and wear warm clothes if you must go outside. Avoid indoor asthma triggers. Some of the ways you can reduce indoor asthma triggers include:

  • Maintain a clean and well-ventilated environment at home 
  • Use HEPA filters to prevent attack of asthma allergens
  • Use dust mite covers for the pillow and the mattress
  • Wash your bedding with hot water every week to avoid asthma triggers such as dust mites.
  • Use an air purifier and reduce indoor humidity 

Avoid viral infections

You can avoid viral infections such as colds and flu by regularly cleaning your hands to prevent germs. Take your flu vaccines early in the fall and avoid exposure to sick people.

Take your asthma meds.

Using your Ventolin (salbutamol) | Asthma Inhaler during winter seasons will reduce inflammation of the airways. Ensure you are well with your inhaler in case of an asthma attack. You can also visit the Ashcroft Pharmacy website to order your inhaler and get it delivered to you.

Hydrate more during winter 

Ensure you take extra fluids to keep the mucus in your lungs thinner. Drinking water also keeps your airways moist and free from dry air that triggers asthma symptoms.

Prioritize your asthma action plan.

An asthma action plan is a well-written plan that helps you keep track of your asthma symptoms from getting worse. An Asthma action plan contains information like; Your medicines, and what to do during an emergency and helps recognize and manage when your asthma symptoms get worse.

It is important to involve your doctor when making an asthma action plan. The doctor helps you gather the right information and understand your triggers.

If you have a child suffering from asthma you can share the asthma action plan with the caregivers or teachers for them to effectively manage your child's asthma.

Seek medical advice.

In case you follow your asthma action plan but still realize that your symptoms are getting worse, consult your doctor. The doctor will adjust your medication and provide further treatment that will help in managing asthma winter effectively.

Stay indoors.

Cold and dry air trigger asthma symptoms. Stay indoors and prioritize ordering products and services through online platforms when needed.


What causes asthma to develop?

Allergens and viral infections cause asthma to develop. During childhood, if a child is highly exposed to allergens such as smoke they are likely to develop asthma at a younger age.

Viral infections such as flu and colds may affect the respiratory system. When your respiratory system is affected you get breathing difficulties a common asthma symptom.

Can you test for asthma at home?

You can test asthma at home using a peak flow meter.

What are the signs that I have asthma?

If you experience signs like coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness then you may be having asthma. You must visit your doctor and get tested for asthma before the symptoms worsen.

Why is asthma worse at night?

You may suffer breathing difficulties at night since your lungs function slowly at night. While sleeping your muscles relax while your upper airways narrow causing increased resistance in the lungs.

How can I prevent asthma?

You can prevent asthma by identifying your asthma triggers, avoiding allergens, and preventing colds.

Can asthma be cured?

Asthma cannot be cured, however, there are treatments you can use to control asthma symptoms. These treatments include inhalers which you can buy from legal pharmacies.

Buy Ventolin (Salbutamol) |Asthma Inhaler


Asthma can be effectively managed, when you understand asthma triggers and use tips such as staying indoors, having an asthma action plan, and taking your vaccines among others as discussed above.

Remember to consult your doctor for the best advice on how to manage winter asthma effectively.

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