is it possible to permanently cure hay fever - Ashcroft Pharmacy UK

Hay Fever: Can You Really Cure It Permanently? Ashcroft Pharmacy

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Can Hay Fever Be Cured? If you're looking for a permanent cure for hay fever, the short answer is that there isn't one yet. However, there are many ways to reduce your allergic reactions to pollen.

While there's no permanent cure, there are many ways to reduce your allergic reactions to pollen and manage your symptoms easily. In this article, we'll explore whether it's possible to cure hay fever permanently and share tips for living allergy-free.

In this blog, we will discuss..

  • Understanding what causes hay fever and how it affects your body
  • Effective treatments and medications to manage symptoms
  • Long-term strategies like immunotherapy
  • Lifestyle changes and home remedies to reduce exposure to allergens
  • Tips for minimizing hay fever symptoms throughout the year

By the end of this guide, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of how to manage hay fever and improve your quality of life.

Individuals who suffer from hay fever, particularly those who cough or wheeze, may be more susceptible to the epidemic of thunderstorm asthma. Epidemic thunderstorm Asthma can be severe, abrupt, and even fatal.

You can lower your risk of developing thunderstorm asthma by controlling your hay fever well and treating the symptoms as soon as they appear.

Between late March and September, symptoms are typically worse, especially in warm, muggy, and windy weather. The maximum pollen count occurs during this time.

Unlike a cold, which typically passes after one to two weeks, hay fever can linger for weeks or months.

Understanding Hay Fever

Another name for Hay Fever (or Hayfever) is Allergic Rhinitis. It happens when specific airborne allergens trigger an immune system reaction.

There's a prevalent misperception that hay fever isn't real if you don't develop stuffy nose symptoms. This is untrue! Hay fever can cause sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and sore throats, among other symptoms. 


Pollen is the most common cause of this allergic reaction, however mould and animal fur can also trigger allergies in certain individuals. You may be allergic to any one of three forms of pollen: weed, grass, or tree pollen.

All of these emit a fine, light pollen that is dispersed by the wind among the plants. Sadly, those who have hay fever frequently find themselves in the midst.

Some plants depend on insects to spread their pollen since their heavy, sticky pollen cannot be dispersed by the wind. Because its vividly coloured petals are meant to entice insects, an attractive flower is frequently more likely to be pollinated by insects.

You don't have to be as concerned about these plants when you're outside if you have hay fever.


Hay fever symptoms include:

  • coughing and sneezing
  • a clogged or runny nose
  • red, watery, or irritated eyes
  • ears, nose, mouth, and throat itching
  • loss of smell
  • discomfort in the forehead and on the sides of your head
  • headache
  • feeling worn out.

Although it can be extremely uncomfortable, hay fever seldom results in life-threatening conditions. Most hay fever sufferers take over-the-counter medications and modify their lifestyle to alleviate their symptoms.

Ear and sinus infections are more common in those with airborne allergies. You could feel exhausted during the day since hay fever might make it difficult to get sufficient sleep at night. Hay fever has the potential to worsen asthmatic symptoms.

Best Cure For Hay Fever – Medicinal & Home Treatments

Medicinal Treatments

While there is no definitive cure for hay fever, several treatments and strategies can help manage and alleviate its symptoms.

Once you've identified what you're allergic to, together with your healthcare practitioner, you can create a treatment plan to lessen or eliminate your hay fever symptoms.

Reducing your exposure to substances that trigger your hay fever is the best course of action. Medications that you can purchase over-the-counter may be sufficient to ease symptoms of mild cases of hay fever.

You could require prescription medicine if your symptoms are more severe.

Over-The-Counter Hay Fever Medication

There are a few choices accessible if you want to fast relief from your discomfort. It is not necessary to have a prescription to purchase antihistamines and decongestants; eye drops or nasal sprays are also often recommended.

Benadryl: Another popular over-the-counter option for relieving allergy symptoms is Benadryl. However, because it has sedative properties (it's often used as part of sleep therapy), it is recommended discussing any underlying conditions with your doctor before taking this medication.

Zirtek: The primary ingredient in Zirtek is cetirizine hydrochloride, which blocks your body's histamine receptors, which are responsible for inflammation and irritation when you come into contact with allergens like pollen.

Zirtek is available in a liquid (10 mg/5 ml) and tablet form (10 mg). Pay close attention to the dosage guidelines—taking too much could have negative effects like lightheadedness or blurred vision!

Clarityn: The antihistamine Clarityn starts to work after 30 minutes of use. Although it is available as a liquid and tablet form, people with asthma or other respiratory disorders, as well as those under the age of twelve, should not take it.

If you need to drive after taking this, avoid doing so since it may cause drowsiness and dry mouth as side effects.

Use of Antihistamines

Antihistamines prevent the body's natural production of histamine, which is a component of the immune system's reaction to an allergen.

By preventing histamine from attaching to its receptor cells, antihistamines inhibit or decrease your body's reaction to the allergen.

Sneezing and itching are two signs of allergic reactions that are brought on by the release of histamines.

Antihistamines are available over-the-counter (OTC) in a variety of forms, including oral tablets and syrups, as well as topically administered creams and eye drops.

Because antihistamines disrupt sleep cycles, they can make you feel sleepy. If this is the case for you when taking an antihistamine for hay fever, consider taking it before bedtime rather than in the middle of the afternoon.

Using Decongestants

Decongestants are drugs that reduce your nose's puffy membranes. If you have a stuffy nose, they are available over-the-counter and might make breathing easier.

Antihistamines and decongestants are recommended for the treatment of hay fever symptoms in order to alleviate symptoms and minimise inflammation. Decongestants relieve nasal congestion by decreasing the edoema in the nasal lining.

It is preferable to choose a decongestant that contains pseudoephedrine (found in Sudafed, for example) when purchasing one to treat hay fever, as this ingredient has been demonstrated to be beneficial in reducing the stuffiness, sneezing, and itching associated with hay fever when used in conjunction with an antihistamine.

Nasal corticosteroids

These nasal sprays aid in both the prevention and treatment of hay fever-related runny, itchy noses and nasal stuffiness, or congestion.

In many cases, nasal sprays are the first line of treatment prescribed for hay fever since they are the most effective.

Fluticasone (Flonase Allergy Relief), budesonide (Rhinocort Allergy), triamcinolone (Nasacort Allergy 24 Hour), and mometasone (Nasonex 24HR Allergy) are examples of over-the-counter nasal sprays.

Azelastine and fluticasone (Dymista) and mometasone and olopatadine (Ryaltris) are two prescription nasal sprays that combine an antihistamine with a steroid.

For the majority of patients, nasal corticosteroids are a safe, long-term treatment. Nasal discomfort and an unpleasant taste or smell are examples of side effects. Nasal spray side effects involving steroids are uncommon.

Immunotherapy: Taking a dose of your allergen

It is believed that giving your immune system a small amount of the allergen will desensitise it and lessen the negative reaction.

When all other options have been exhausted and the patient has severe hay fever or other inhalation allergies, a general practitioner would typically explore this high-risk form of treatment. It's a rigorous programme that takes years to complete.

Significantly reduced symptoms may begin to resurface once you cease. There are few NHS qualifying candidates, and those who attend privately must pay £9,000 for the three-year programme.

Vaccinations for allergies (shots)

With allergy shots, a patient receives injections of progressively higher dosages of an allergen over a period of years. A person's sensitivity to the allergen lessens and their reaction to it lessens over time.

Allergy injections assist in managing allergic reaction symptoms to:

  • dust mites
  • moulds
  • bees
  • pet dander
  • pollen
  • other stinging insects

In order to improve tolerance to an allergen and lessen symptoms, SLIT includes taking modest doses of an allergen under the tongue as tablets or drops. It is sold commercially to treat ragweed, grass pollen, and dust mite allergies.

Side Effects of the Medication

Some common side effects of these medications include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Fast heart rate
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Difficulty peeing
  • Blurred vision
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhoea
  • Hives
Home Remedies and Natural Relief

Treat hay fever naturally

Finding a hay fever treatment that works for you is crucial because the symptoms can be quite bothersome and uncomfortable.

Hay fever can be treated in many ways, but natural solutions are less likely to cause negative effects than conventional medical treatments.

You may use natural remedies in addition to conventional medicine, so even if your doctor prescribes certain drugs for your hay fever, you should still attempt some alternative treatments.

Natural remedies can be taken throughout the season when your symptoms are at their worst or right before bedtime every night (to help you get a nice sleep), or they can be used preventatively by taking them before the pollen season begins.

Some home remedies include:

  • Every week, wash pillows, sheets, and other bedding in hot water
  • Dust mite-resistant covers should be used on the mattress, pillow, and quilt
  • Take out the woollen underlays or sheepskins from the bedroom and bed
  • Take the plush toys out of the bedroom
  • Verify the pollen count
  • On your nose, use a barrier balm
  • Carry wraparound shades
  • Remember to keep the windows closed
  • Quit smoking
  • Turn on your air purifier
  • Groom your pets
  • saline nasal sprays
  • inhaling steam.

Dietary modifications to alleviate hay fever symptoms

Consume a balanced diet: Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for your general well-being and can also alleviate symptoms of hay fever.

Drink a lot of water: One of the most typical symptoms of hay fever is dehydration, therefore ensuring your body stays strong and healthy throughout the season can be achieved by consuming at least eight glasses of water each day.

Engage in regular exercise: Frequent exercise has several benefits for your body's defence against infections, such as strengthening the immune system and lowering stress levels, which can make you more sensitive to allergens in the environment.

Make sure you sleep well every night! After spending too much time outside, sniffling and sneezing are the typical symptoms of hay fever.

Importance of regular exercise and a healthy diet

Consuming a diverse, well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is crucial. Knowing what foods set off an allergy is important because they may worsen the symptoms of hay fever.

Some foods that may worsen the symptoms of hay fever, include celery, apples, tomatoes, melons, stone fruits, and bananas.

Consume a diet high in vital fats, such as omega 3 and 6, which are found in fatty foods like fish, nuts, and seeds. These have anti-inflammatory qualities and might lessen hay fever symptoms.

There are several ways that physical activity might affect allergies. Being physically active can help many people with their allergies. Exercising vigorously can often provide protection against hay fever.

This is partly because obesity is impacted by physical activity, and obesity impacts the body's lipid metabolism. Increased length of sleep is also a protection against hay fever.

Exercise that reduces inflammation can also ward against allergies, especially those that are seasonal.

Lifestyle Adjustments for Hay Fever Management

Although there is no cure for hay fever, you can manage your allergies with a change in lifestyle. The best way to reduce the symptoms of hay fever is to stay away from irritants. To lessen symptoms, you want to:

Minimise your contact with allergens

To lessen your exposure to allergens—things that cause allergy symptoms and signs—

  • On windy and dry days, stay inside. Going outside is most beneficial right after a good rain, which helps remove pollen from the air
  • Steer clear of gardening chores like weed removal and grass mowing that trigger allergies
  • After changing out of your outer clothing, take a shower to wash off pollen from your skin and hair
  • Laundry should not be hung outside since pollen can adhere to linens and towels
  • When performing outside chores, put on a face mask.

Creating an allergen-free environment at home

  • Refrain from rubbing your nose or eyes or touching your face
  • When pollen counts are greater in the spring, summer and early fall, close the windows in your house and vehicle.
  • Cover box springs, mattresses, and pillows to keep dust mites out
  • Pets should not be allowed on couches or beds, and doors to bedrooms should be closed while not in use
  • Use filters in your air conditioner and hoover cleaner to lower the airborne pollen concentration
  • Thoroughly wash your hands, particularly after handling pets

When you're outside, shield your eyes from pollen by donning a hat and sunglasses. As soon as you enter your house, change into new clothes.

Seasonal strategies for managing hay fever symptoms

During allergy season, you can do the following to minimise the triggers:

  • Keep your windows closed at home and in the car, and use recirculating air conditioning in the car
  • Avoid outdoor picnics during pollen season
  • Try to plan holidays out of the pollen season, or holiday at the seaside
  • If you’re gardening at home, research which plants are less likely to trigger hay fever.

Long-Term Management Strategies

Although there is no cure of Hay fever, immunotherapy has been known to have had a lasting affect.


Allergy shots alter the immune system's response to allergens. They are sometimes referred to as immunotherapy or desensitisation therapy.

Your doctor can suggest allergy shots if medicine doesn't work to reduce your hay fever symptoms or if taking it too often has too many negative effects.

You will receive frequent doses (injections) with minuscule amounts of allergens over a period of 3 to 5 years. The idea is to reduce the amount of medicine you need by helping your body become accustomed to the allergens causing your symptoms.

If you have allergies to dust mites, grass, weeds, or animal dander, immunotherapy may be particularly beneficial for you. Immunotherapy has the potential to prevent asthma in youngsters.

Benefits and challenges of immunotherapy for hay fever

Treatments involving allergen-specific immunotherapy are successful. They can lessen allergy symptoms and lessen the need for medicine, according to numerous research. After just one year, sneezing, stuffy nose, and watery, itchy eyes can all improve with these therapies. However, the full impact of the treatment usually takes three years or longer.

Immunotherapy relieves seasonal allergic rhinitis (allergy symptoms in the upper respiratory tract, such as runny or stuffy nose) and hay fever. Put another way, it is appropriate for individuals with dust mite allergies as well as those allergic to grass, weed, and tree pollen. 

However, compared to all other allergy therapies, allergen-specific immunotherapy offers a number of significant benefits: It can stop the initial allergy from becoming asthmatic or from turning into allergies to other substances (cross-reactivity). It's also the only method of treatment that focuses on the root cause of the symptoms. That means that if allergen-specific immunotherapy works, less or no medicine will be required.

It may have some mild side effects experienced by about half of patients receiving this treatment. When someone is given a chemical to which they are typically allergic, this is to be expected. Some of the side effects are as follows:

  • Mild rash where the injection was administered
  • Allergic reactions include minor symptoms of asthma, watery eyes, and sneezing
  • Swelling in the mouth and itchiness
  • Headaches and exhaustion.

Most of the time, these side effects are minor and temporary. Rarely do they require medical attention.

Sublingual (under-the-tongue) allergy tablets

Instead of receiving injections, you can take pills that dissolve in your mouth containing minuscule amounts of the allergen. Typically, pills are taken every day. Dust mites and grass and ragweed pollen are two allergens that sublingual allergy tablets can help with, although they don't work for all of them.

Importance of regular follow-up with healthcare providers

Hay fever complications might include:

  • sleep disturbance
  • fatigue during the day
  • headaches
  • concentration span issues

Frequent ear infections, including otitis media in children and sinus infections (sinusitis) in adults, can also be brought on by hay fever.

It's crucial to manage your nasal symptoms if you have asthma, as untreated hay fever can exacerbate asthma symptoms and raise the chance of getting asthma.

This is true because inflammation of the airways is a common feature of both hay fever and asthma. Nearly 50% of individuals with asthma also experience hay fever; therefore, it's critical to visit a physician to effectively treat hay fever symptoms over time.


Millions of individuals suffer from hay fever, which may be an awful illness. To treat hay fever, there are numerous over-the-counter medications available; the task is to determine which one is most effective for you.

Also, you can use saline sprays or nasal rinses at home to assist in minimising your hay fever symptoms.

Each person experiences hay fever differently, and its duration varies. Some people only get hay fever temporarily, while others do so for several months.

It goes without saying that as spring and summer approach, you should begin taking the appropriate precautions if you have ever had hay fever.

Your general practitioner will refer you for immunotherapy if your hay fever is intolerable. You will receive a tablet to help strengthen and increase your immunity to pollen or an injection containing a tiny amount of pollen during this procedure.

It's important to recognise this early on since, according to the NHS, immunotherapy should start at least three months prior to the onset of springtime hay fever.