How Allergies Impact Your Sleep Quality | Ashcroft Pharmacy

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Getting enough sleep is crucial for preserving general health and well-being, but have you ever sneezed while you were asleep or woken up with a stuffy nose? For sure, allergies significantly impact the quality of your sleep. 

These disruptive allergic reactions are brought about by allergens like pollen, dust mites, and pet dander. They lead to symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and congestion, making it difficult for you to fall and stay asleep. Addressing these allergens then becomes a crucial activity that will help you enjoy a restful night. 

When these allergies interfere with your sleep, they also lead to daytime fatigue, decreased cognitive function, and a weakened immune system.

But when you understand the relationship between allergies and sleep, you take proactive steps to mitigate these effects. Thus, good allergy control leads to better sleep and a higher general quality of life.

What Is a Summer Cold, and What Is an Allergie?

A summer cold is a cold that can be caught during the summertime. Rhinovirus is the virus that causes this cold. A summer cold may pass quickly or last up to a week.

But take heart; there are several efficient ways to treat a summer cold, including relaxing, consuming the correct fluids, such as ginger drinks, and using over-the-counter cold treatments.

On the contrary, allergies are caused by allergens. They are an immune response to alien allergens in your body, such as pollen or mold.

Allergies can be effectively treated. You need antihistamines to mitigate them. We've seen that, with proper care, summertime colds pass quickly, but allergy symptoms can linger for as long as the allergens are present.

Furthermore, allergies frequently cause irritated eyes and throats, which are less common in colds. In conclusion, both the summer cold and allergies have similar symptoms, such as runny noses, sneezing, and congestion.

Types of Common Allergies That Affect Sleep.

 Different types of allergens cause allergic reactions in the immune system. These nighttime allergens can be either seasonal or year-round.


Hay fever allergy is a seasonal allergy that is caused by a reaction to pollen from trees or weeds, such as ragweed. In different seasons, such as in the spring, late summer, and early fall, people experience worse symptoms and reduced sleep quality from this allergen. This depends on the plant of the season.

Warm and dry weather causes hay fever to be more serious. This is because these days it seems to have a high pollen count. You should avoid going out on these days, especially in the morning. Do a confirmation of the pollen count through sources like the TV, the radio, or an online search.

You can deal with pollen allergens in different ways, which include: 

  • Minimize the indoor pollen count by closing doors and windows
    Change clothes when you come into your house
  • Dry your clothes indoors instead of outdoors
  • Make sure you shower before bed.


The allergen mold causes mold-spore allergies. These allergies are seasonal. The reason is that mold grows better in cold or damp areas. The best way to reduce the impact of mold on your life is by reducing the humidity in your house.

There are different ways that we can deal with humidity in our houses. They include:

  • Use a dehumidifier or turn up the heat in the house
  • Clean up the mold as soon as it appears. The most affected places are around taps, sinks, shower curtains, refrigerator trays, dish racks, carpets, stuffed animals, and books.
  • Make sure that your clothes and towels are properly dried up
  • Ventilate your bathrooms after taking a shower or after having a bath
  • Dry out wet surfaces in your home to prevent the multiplication of mold.

Dust Mites.

Dust mites are not seasonal allergens. They can trigger allergies at any time throughout the year. These allergens are the most common household allergens.

They are also the first allergies to appear in young children. The dust mites feed on dead skin cells and are often found in mattresses, pillows, and box springs.

These allergies are sparked by the buildup of dust. The dust mite's waste can trigger allergic reactions, causing nasal congestion and irritation that interfere with a good night’s sleep.

 We can handle dust mites by doing the following:

  • You can replace your bedroom furniture and accessories that harbor dust
  • Wash your bedding regularly in the hottest water it can handle
  • Buy a sealable cover for your new pillow and mattress to help keep dust mites out
  • Either deep-clean or replace heavy curtains, carpets, sofas, and stuffed animals
  • Dust your house regularly to help prevent the buildup of dust mites
  • Clean or replace filters on vacuums, air conditioners, and heating units.

Pet Dander

One of the most common year-round allergies is pet dander. It is one of the most frustrating allergies for many people. It is an allergy to household pets or the dander from their skin and saliva. Pet dander consists of tiny skin flakes shed by cats, dogs, and other animals.

This allergy is common in people who share a bed with their pets, thus making them vulnerable to nighttime allergy symptoms.

Control pet dander by using the following means:

  • Get your pet a comfortable pet bed all for themselves
  • Try not to let your pet lick your face
  • Don’t rub your eyes after petting the pets
  • Wash your hands after petting pets
  • Give your pet a frequent bath with a non-allergenic shampoo.


Cockroach droppings, saliva, and shed body parts contain proteins that can cause allergic reactions. They provoke symptoms similar to hay fever in some people.

Strict hygiene precautions can help keep these pests out of your house. This is best performed by cleaning the house regularly, aerating moist areas, sealing garbage cans and food sources, and never leaving food or dirty dishes lying around.

Cigarette Smoke.

Secondhand smoke from cigarettes can irritate your respiratory system and trigger allergies. Exposure to smoke, especially in the evening, can cause congestion and coughing, making it hard to fall asleep.


How do allergies affect sleep?

Allergies interfere with sleep by causing nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, and itchy eyes. These symptoms could potentially make it difficult to breathe properly, resulting in frequent awakenings and poor sleep quality.

Individuals with allergic rhinitis are significantly more likely to suffer from sleep issues, including trouble falling and staying asleep, insomnia, increased snoring, increased risk for sleep apnea, poor sleep efficiency, and short sleep.

For chronic allergy sufferers, they might develop sleep apnea. This is a condition where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep, further exacerbating sleep disturbances.

What is the best allergy relief for sleep?

Maintaining a clean sleeping environment while still taking suitable medications is one of the best ways to relieve allergies while you are sleeping.

Regularly wash your bedding in hot water, use allergen-resistant mattress and pillow coverings, and keep dogs out of your bedroom. You can also use over-the-counter antihistamines and nasal sprays.

They will help you relieve symptoms and allow you to sleep more comfortably. When you experience persistent symptoms, talk to your doctor about other treatment options, such as allergy injections.

How should you sleep to minimize allergy symptoms?

The best sleeping position when experiencing allergies is lying on your back with your head elevated. This can help reduce nasal congestion and improve breathing.

Then use an extra pillow or wedge pillow to keep your head and shoulders propped up. By keeping your airways open and preventing mucus from building up in your sinuses, this position can help you breathe more peacefully all night.

Can insufficient sleep lead to allergies like rhinitis?

While sleep deprivation cannot directly cause allergies, such as rhinitis, it can impair immunity, increasing the risk of infection and perhaps exacerbating pre-existing allergic reactions.

Chronic sleep deprivation can worsen inflammation in the body, which can make allergy symptoms worse and start a vicious cycle of insufficient sleep followed by an increased allergic reaction.

What should I do when I experience sudden allergic reactions at night?

To promptly relieve symptoms if you encounter unexpected allergic responses at night, take an over-the-counter antihistamine.

To get allergens out of your nasal passages, use a saline nasal rinse. Then, make sure your bedroom is allergy-free and has adequate ventilation. If your symptoms intensify, see a doctor or persist in finding the cause and the best course of action.

What are the causes of allergies in the summer?

Summertime allergies are frequently brought on by an abundance of pollen from trees, weeds, and grasses. While higher humidity also increases the risk of mold spores, it is also important to understand that increasing your outdoor time can expose you to more allergens and worsen your symptoms.

What triggers allergies at night?

Most nighttime allergies are triggered by dust mites, mold, or any other indoor allergen that accumulates in your bedroom. Poor indoor air quality, high humidity, and improper ventilation can intensify these triggers, while bedding and mattresses can harbor allergens, making nighttime symptoms more pronounced.


Recognizing frequent allergens and comprehending how allergies impact your sleep are crucial initial steps in controlling your symptoms and enhancing the quality of your sleep.

By maintaining a clean sleeping environment, using appropriate medications, and adopting proper sleep positions, you can mitigate the impact of allergies on your nightly rest.

Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice and treatment options to ensure you get the most effective relief and enjoy restful, uninterrupted sleep.