This blog talk about Strategies For Preventing Asthma Attacks -Ashcroft Pharmacy

Essential Strategies For Preventing Asthma Attacks

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Living with asthma can feel like an ongoing battle for breath. While asthma is incurable, there are effective techniques to prevent flare-ups and manage the condition properly. 
This blog tackles practical strategies for avoiding asthma episodes, empowering you to take control of your health and live a fulfilling life.

How To Know Your Triggers

Identifying what triggers your asthma is paramount to its prevention. These triggers can cause respiratory symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Common causes of asthma include:

  • Exercise - Physical exercises can induce exercise-induced asthma (EIA).
  • Irritants - Strong chemicals, cold air, tobacco smoke (including secondhand smoke), and air pollution can accelerate asthma symptoms.
  • Airborne Allergens -Examples of airborne allergens include: Dust mites, pollen, mold spores, and pet dander.
  • Respiratory Infections - Colds and flu can worsen asthma symptoms.
  • Medications - Medicines such as Aspirin, NSAIDs, and certain beta-blockers may aggravate asthma.

Maintaining an asthma journal can aid in identifying triggers. By documenting activities, environments, and symptoms, you and your doctor can pinpoint patterns and adjust your preventive measures accordingly.

How To Minimize Allergens in Your Environment

Once triggers are identified, minimizing exposure in your daily surroundings becomes crucial. Consider these effective tactics:

  • Regular Vacuuming - Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to remove allergens from carpets and upholstery. Consider delegating this task if vacuuming triggers asthma symptoms.
  • Humidity Control - Maintain indoor humidity levels between 30 and 50% with a dehumidifier to prevent mold growth.
  • Bedroom Environment - Wash bedding weekly in hot water to eliminate dust mites. Use allergen-proof pillowcases and mattresses.
  • Flooring Choices - Remove bedroom carpets to reduce dust accumulation. Opt for easily cleanable area rugs or hardwood floors.
  • Pest Management - Control cockroaches and mice to minimize asthma triggers. Seal cracks and entry points in your home.

Smoke-Free Environment - Enforce a no-smoking policy indoors and in your car. Avoid exposure to secondhand smoke.

How To Practise Optimal Lung Health Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important to asthma management. Prioritize these key elements:

  • Weight Management - Maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise, which can improve lung function.
  • Vaccinations - Stay up-to-date on pneumonia and flu vaccines to reduce respiratory infections.
  • Stress Management - Engage in relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to alleviate stress, which can bring about asthma symptoms.
  • Regular Exercise - Consult your doctor for exercise instructions that minimize triggers. Consider using a quick-relief inhaler before workouts if necessary.

Follow Your Physician’s Guideline

Consistently taking prescribed long-term asthma medications, like inhaled corticosteroids, is crucial, even when symptoms aren't present. An example of inhaled corticosteroids include Ventolin(Salbutamol) asthma inhalers
This helps maintain stable control and reduces the risk of flare-ups. 
Always follow your doctor's instructions and communicate any concerns for effective asthma management to your physician.

Carry Your Emergency Inhalers for Rapid Relief

Quick-relief inhalers, typically containing medications like salbutamol, serve as crucial tools for managing sudden asthma attacks by swiftly opening up constricted airways.
These inhalers provide rapid relief from symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness, allowing individuals to breathe more easily during an asthma flare-up.
It is however essential to use quick-relief inhalers well and not solely rely on them for asthma control. 
This is because frequent reliance on these inhalers may indicate inadequate control of the condition. More so, the need for adjustments to long-term control medications, such as inhaled corticosteroids may become an absolute necessity.

How To Manage Lung Function At Home

Managing lung function at home is crucial for individuals with asthma or other respiratory conditions. Here's how you can do it effectively:

  • Discussing the interpretation with your doctor - They can guide what peak flow readings mean for your specific condition and advise you on appropriate actions based on your results.
  • Regularly use your Peak Flow Meter - Regularly use a peak flow meter at home to monitor your lung function. 
  • Be on the lookout for early signs of Asthma attack - By monitoring your peak flow readings over time, you can identify patterns and recognize early signs of an impending asthma attack. 
  • Following your Asthma action plan - This plan typically includes instructions on when to adjust medication doses or seek medical attention based on your lung function measurements.
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How to manage Asthma Medically

Medicine is effective in avoiding unwelcome Asthma attacks. You can manage asthma medically by:

  • Adjusting your treatment plans - Based on the assessment of asthma control, your doctor may recommend changes to your medication regimen or other aspects of your treatment plan to ensure optimal management of your asthma.
  • Going for check-ups - Schedule routine appointments with your doctor to assess asthma control and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.
  • Allowing assessment of asthma control - During check-ups, your doctor will evaluate your asthma symptoms, lung function, and medication use to determine how well your asthma is managed.
  • Practicing open communication - Maintain open and honest communication with your doctor about your asthma symptoms, concerns, and any challenges you may face with your treatment for effective collaboration in managing your asthma.

Seek Positive Support From Friends Or Family

Seeking positive support from friends or family is crucial in managing asthma effectively. 
Maintaining a positive outlook and remembering that asthma should not control your life is important.
Some ways to seek positive support include:

  • Maintaining an Asthma action plan - Work with your healthcare provider to develop a written asthma action plan that outlines steps to take in different situations, such as during asthma attacks or when symptoms worsen.
  • Joining Asthma support groups - Connect with others who understand what you're going through to get valuable emotional support, practical advice, and a sense of community.
  • Utilizing educational resources - Take advantage of websites, pamphlets, and educational materials from reputable sources that can provide valuable information about managing asthma and staying healthy.
  • Carrying a Quick-Relief Inhaler - Always carry a quick-relief inhaler, such as one containing albuterol to provide you with rapid relief during emergency asthma attacks.


What is the first aid of an asthma attack?

First, you help the asthma patient sit in a comfortable position, then help them use their inhaler.

How do I stop asthmatic cough at night?

You can stop asthmatic cough at night by supporting your neck and shoulders using a pillow. This helps in opening your airways and prevents asthma attacks.

Which is the best position to sleep in to clear your lungs?

The prone position is the best position to sleep in to clear your lungs.

How do you open your airways naturally?

You open your airways naturally by breathing in moist air 

How do I strengthen my lungs for asthma?

You can strengthen your lungs for asthma by practicing nasal breathing, yoga breathing exercises, and Diaphragmatic breathing.


In conclusion, it's essential to take control of your asthma by implementing preventive measures, working closely with your doctor, and maintaining a positive attitude. By doing so, you can breathe easier and enjoy a better quality of life.
Remember, with the right support and proactive approach, you can successfully manage your asthma and live life to the fullest.
At Ashcroft Pharmacy your health is our priority. We offer personalized assistance, medication reviews, and a range of asthma management resources to support you on your journey. 
Feel free to consult our knowledgeable pharmacists for guidance on effectively managing your asthma and achieving optimal health.

Reviewed by

Name Mr Suhail Jamil



GPhc Number 2069518

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